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Tools and Languages: Excel, Power Query (see associated SQL and Power BI projects)

Description and Intent: This analysis of electronics, appliances and accessories sales data from the USA, derived from twelve Kaggle CSV files spanning the entirety of 2019, was conducted to answer the files' associated series of questions (updated slightly to reflect different/additional queries):

The analysis was carried out entirely within Excel, including Power Query, with additional intentions to 'serve the data' with two additional options: SQL and Power BI.

Insights and Reporting: Following initial investigations to check consistency of structure across the twelve CSV files, they were loaded and combined via Power Query. The six fields included:

Initial explorations of the fields and subsequent cleaning in Power Query involved manual checks on blank and null values; generic text entries for “Product”, “Order Date” and “Purchase Address” were identified (0.19% of total rows) and removed. Duplicated rows were also deleted (0.14% of total rows), as were 34 rows with dates outside of 2019.  Variable types were changed to appropriate text, numeric and date/time types. 

Additional columns were created to split the date/time entries into year, month, hour and minute, as well as to calculate the total sales value for each row. State and city were extracted into their own columns, and products were grouped according to category. Finally, the data was trimmed and cleaned.

Pivot tables were utilised to address each question specifically, with associated charts generated for use in dashboards. Three dashboard tabs were created to focus on sales and numbers related to time, product/category and location. The charts were linked to slicers that can impact all three boards to allow for considerations across all three breakdown categories.

Finally, the posed questions were answered as follows:

Copyright © 2023, Brandon O'Donnell
