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Tools and Languages: Power BI (see associated Excel and SQL projects)

Description and Intent: This analysis of electronics, appliances and accessories sales data from the USA, derived from twelve Kaggle CSV files spanning the entirety of 2019, was conducted to answer the files' associated series of questions (updated slightly to reflect different/additional queries):

The analysis was carried out entirely within Power BI, with additional intentions to 'serve the data' with two additional options: Excel and SQL.

Insights and Reporting: This analysis had been conducted previously in Excel and SQL, so there was some prior understanding of the data, as well as the option to cross-check calculated values. The six associated fields included:

The data was loaded from the values processed previously during the Excel phase of this three-tier analysis. See the Excel version desciption of how this data was inspected and prepared for use. 

Extending on the dashboard created in Excel, presentation of this analysis made of use a map visual and an overview page with a summary of the important top values. Users could then navigate via buttons to separate pages with the relevant visualisations. Although not a requirement of the set of questions, slicers were added to the 'Location' and 'Product' pages to allow further consideration by month. An overall dark theme was used across the pages to give the uniform appearance of a set of official company colours. 

Finally, the posed questions were answered as follows:

Copyright © 2023, Brandon O'Donnell
